Message From The Founder
It is inquiry experiments and hands on experience that children will get to know the world around them, while developing the cognitive, physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
Real learning must promote self-worth, emphasise personal inquiry, encourage experimentation, realise the need for play and provide opportunities for the development of necessary skills.
Real learning must provide children with the security to attempt new challenges and the confidence and support to redress their mistakes. Above all, children must feel that school is a worthwhile and enjoyable place to attend; a place where they can love and be loved.
Because every child brings their own interests and deep curiosity to a class, it is significant that children need to be allowed to follow those innate passions and act as active participants in learning.
LabLangBan truly understands young children and their needs, and will provide support to your child to maximise their learning during their time with us.
On behalf of the staff at LabLangBan, I would like to welcome you and your family to our learning community.
Soukdalone Phommathep, Principal
Our Mission
We provide students with a learning environment that recognises children learn best when engaged with real world, authentic tasks, involving problem solving and collaboration with peers on interdisciplinary, research based project work – where the teacher’s role includes that of coach and facilitator and where students are empowered to take responsibility for their learning.
Our Vision
If our students are to maximise their learning, then Lab Langban must be a place of optimism, excitement and challenge, where students and teachers see each day as a journey, full of purpose and where intellectual engagement and connectedness to the outside world are priorities.